April look-back

This spring has been odd. I am not training for anything in particular, which has been sometimes motivating. I can do speedwork whenever I want, blow off long runs, blow off a run for yoga, etc., and not feel guilty about it.

But, there have also been times I’ve felt uninspired when I look at my “training” log. Truthfully, there has not been a lot of running going on.

I’ve had this ongoing abdominal pain for the past month. I finally (after an excruciatingly sharp pain on Tuesday night’s group run) decided to get it to the doctor. No more ChandiMedicine. I am thinking I pulled an abdominal muscle or something equally non-threatening, but with internal issues; it’s always a little scary to think of the possibilities.

I have gotten faster and stronger this spring by doing “my own thing” but haven’t wanted to publicly admit how little I’ve done.

So here it is:

April miles: 80.8

I completed the Palmetto200 relay legs with good times. I am convinced I can do a sub-2 half marathon. If I wanted to. But, registering, traveling, scheduling “training runs”, that just doesn’t sound fun. Another thing I do is compare one month to the prior year- April 2012, I was in a training program for a half marathon, and ran 89 miles, spread over 15 runs. This April, I ran 81 miles, spread over 18 runs. Which isn’t half bad. And I wasn’t training for anything. I no longer need that motivation (and added anxiety) of a race 🙂

My goal for the spring was to enjoy running again, and aside from this strange abdominal abnormality, I’ve succeeded.

April Showers

Isn’t health the key anyway?

(random thoughts, by yours truly)

I am hoping the doctor won’t say “two months rest” or something similar.